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Present Your Research


  • Send one member of your research team to check-in on the morning of the conference — 8 a.m. on Thursday, December 5, in the WSC Ballroom. They will pick up the poster and display it in the proper location before 8:45 a.m.
  • Please have at least one student investigator present at the poster during the entire event from 9-11:45 a.m. Dress professionally.
  • Remember what you wrote in your abstract and what you said in the video that you submitted online? That's great info to use when telling people about your research. What was your research question, what did you discover, and why does it matter?
  • You'll have a passport code to share with people who ask you about your research. They are collecting stickers to enter a prize drawing. Prizes will be announced at 11:30.
  • Encourage people to vote for your poster in a specific category (timeliest topic, most eye-catching poster, most relevant research, or best presenter)! You could win an extra $50.
  • All presenters and mentors who RSVPed are invited to join us for an awards luncheon in the WSC Garden Court at noon after the conference. Poster awards will be announced at the lunch.
  • After lunch, please return to the Ballroom and TAKE DOWN YOUR POSTER. Please treasure it or recycle it. If you received a first-place award, the college would like the poster to hang on the 9th floor of the Kimball Tower — please take your poster to 990 KMBL or give it to one of the conference staff.


  • Be sure to submit your poster to BYU ScholarsArchive so it's published in an online location and available for a global research audience.
  • Update your professional profiles with information about your published research.
  • If you're thinking about attending graduate school, be sure to complete a grant application to help cover your grad school application fees.
  • If you received an award for your poster, please watch your email for payment details; and ask your department manager for a copy of your award photo!